2nd of Jul 2024

Details of our Early Bird Booking discount for all our week-long tours in 2025. £125 off ALL our week-long tours in 2025 if booked before 30 November 2024!

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11th of Jan 2024

Happy New Year from us all at Mariposa Nature Tours! We hope this finds you safe and well, and looking forward to the year’s wildlife-watching ahead.

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2nd of Dec 2023

We're coming up for six months since Mariposa took flight into the world, and we thought now was a good time to take a moment to reflect on our journey to date. Like a migrating Monarch butterfly, we've come a long way!

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11th of Jul 2023

Just a week after our launch at Global Birdfair, we're already getting pretty excited. We're passionate about wildlife, we love sharing it with our guests, and we can't wait for the first tours to begin in early 2024. But we'd like to spread the love a little!

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18th of Jun 2023

We're delighted to announce that we're launching our new wildlife tour company, Mariposa Nature Tours, at Global Birdfair 2023, at the Rutland Showground on 14, 15 & 16 July 2023. We've been leading wildlife tours as freelance tour leaders for many years now…

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